
Karen 8th November 2023

I can't count the number if times that I have tried to get rid of your clothes in the last 4 years . I did manage to throw away some " post-stroke" clothes which weren't really "you" - just stuff that was more comfortable and easier to get on and off! A few days ago, I went to the clothes pegs in the under- stairs cupboard and took 3 of your coats out - 2 really good shooting/ countryside jackets and the thick green fleece jacket that you wore everywhere in the last few years of your life. I decided to put your Bronte Tweed jacket on Vinted and see if it sold. If I remember rightly, you bought this one at a Game Fair - a really heavy, warm coat, but it was always slightly too big for you. Well, it sold within the hour - someone will be pleased to have got this bargain - a beautiful quality, warm coat. Another £12 to BLF. I washed and dried the other 2 coats, and, as Kev was down from Scotland this week, asked if he could use the other tweed shooting coat. He didn't think it would fit him, but tried it on, and it was a perfect fit. He is going to try the fleece jacket as well. So, I am happy to have been able to pass 2 jackets on to Kevin yo use and to have made a little bit more for BLF with the other one.

£12.00 (+ £3.00 Gift Aid)